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Thursday 16 January 2014

Changes in SEO: What You Need to Know in 2014

In the spirit of a New Year's Eve edition, I'm presenting some of the most popular (according to the US Government) New Years Resolutions through an SEO lens, in the hope of spreading some good cheer and great strategy along with a very happy new year to you and yours!

The 2013 Updates
So what exactly changed in 2013? Most of what occurred came as a result of Google algorithm updates.

Panda was first introduced in 2011 to reduce the amount of content farming that was going on within websites. In 2013, Google updated Panda on multiple occasions, although this was not anything that webmasters weren’t already used to.

Penguin 2.0 (May 2013) and 2.1 (October 2013) brought more to the algorithm to fight against spam links and dish out more penalties for sites that broke the rules.

However the biggest and most significant update Google has tackled in years wasn’t an update at all — it was a massive algorithm overhaul in August 2013

Hummingbird completely changed the way sites would look at their content, keywords, and SEO strategies. It gave a heavier focus on semantic search and placed greater emphasis on the power of the Google Knowledge Graph.

Preparations For 2014
The rules, guidelines, and even major players in SEO seem to shift and adjust on a regular basis. While it is impossible to predict exactly what will happen next, it is possible to make assumptions and form strategies from there.

To have effective SEO in 2014, make sure your site is optimized for mobile users, provides quality and informative content, and has a high level of authority.

Continue to stay up to date and follow guidelines that Google lays out as you work to improve your site’s traffic and rankings.


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